
講義名 発表技法と熟議
講義開講時期 通年 講義区分
基準単位数 2 時間 0.00
代表曜日 代表時限


教授◎ 三浦 克之NCD疫学研究センター予防医学部門
教授室寺 義仁医療文化学講座(哲学)
准教授門田 文NCD疫学研究センター予防医学部門

学修目標(到達目標) You will learn effective ways to make your presentation, including the way you speak, the use of a pointer, and choice of words.
You will also plan academic seminars and make presentations, discuss about leadership.
授業概要(教育目的・準備学修・事後学修・履修要件等) In the first part of the course, on Session 1: you will learn rules and ethics for writing.
Session 2: you will learn what should be the most effective way to present your research in public. Each of the participants is requested to bring a three minute presentation in which you will describe your intended research topic or a topic which you have tackled in the past. You will learn effective ways to make your presentation, including the way you speak, the use of a pointer, and choice of words.
Session 3: you will take part in a debate on a topic with which you may be more or less familiar; participants will be divided into two groups, regardless of personal opinions about the topic. This will be done as an intellectual exercise on different points of view. You will be asked to collect some relevant materials before coming to this class.
(Instructions will be given on Session l).
You will also plan academic seminars and make presentations, discuss about leadership.
授業内容 ・ Basic skills of presentation and debates
1 Rules and ethics for writing
2 Manners of presentation
3 Debate

・ Planning academic seminars and make presentations.
・ Workshop and discussion about worldclass leadership
授業形式・授業形態 原則対面形式
成績評価方法(成績評価基準を含む) 出席、参加態度、課題、プレゼンテーション等による総合評価

Attendance, Participation Attitude, Presentation, etc.
テキスト(教科書等) 参考図書 World-Class Leadership (Tetsuya Abe,‎ Sachin Chowdhery, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd.)
日野原重明のリーダーシップ論(アンドレア・バウマン、日野原重明 著、原 不二子 訳)
Ruth Benedict, The Chrysanthemum and the Sword: Patterns of Japanese Culture. 1946. (Mariner Books, Repr. 1989)

Reference World-Class Leadership (Tetsuya Abe,‎ Sachin Chowdhery, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd.)
LEADERSHIP: Challenging Times; 100 Years of Wisdom (Andrea Baumann, Shigeaki Hinohara)
Ruth Benedict, The Chrysanthemum and the Sword: Patterns of Japanese Culture. 1946. (Mariner Books, Repr. 1989)